How to register for eye donation after death? Where do you register for an eye donation? How to get a donor card? Find answers to all the above questions in this blog! “A pair of donated eyes can give vision to two.” The power of sight is often taken for granted. The ability to perceive and appreciate the beauty of…
As of 2022, a total of 132 cities in India have reported air pollution levels deemed below national standards. With coal-powered power plants, and harmful emissions from factories, vehicles, and other sources, we are constantly surrounded by several pollutants that cause irritation in the eyes, skin and lungs. Polluted air is hard to evade when compared to other forms of…
The severity of most injuries can be greatly reduced by the quick administration of first-aid. But most times, paramedics and other professionals aren’t able to get to the scene fast enough. Hence, it is important that each one of us know some basic first-aid protocols to follow in times of medical emergencies. The eye is a delicate organ and can…
It’s common for people to worry before getting a major surgery. Thoughts like “is the surgery worth it?” “Are there no alternatives?”, “ Can I get it treated through home remedies?” often cause us to worry and stress out. When it comes to cataract surgery, the same can be true. Choosing whether or not to have surgery can be a…
Cataract is a progressive disorder that obstructs your vision slowly over time. It starts by changing the way you see colour 一 you’ll notice yellowing or darkening of colours around you. Your vision will also start to get hazy, blurry and you’ll start to have spots of lost vision. The symptoms can get worse as it progresses and this can…
Eyes are very important, delicate, precious organs that help us get through the day. When you notice something concerning happening with your eyes, it’s obvious to look for the best ophthalmologist near you. But then you find yourself asking ‘where do I start looking for one?’, ‘How do I check if the eye doctor is qualified or not?’, ‘who is…
You’ve probably heard the terms squint eye, cross-eye, and lazy eye but aren’t sure what they mean or when to use them. This is because they are often used interchangeably, but incorrectly. So the confusion between the terms is understandable. We’ll go over the causes, symptoms, and treatments of these two conditions in this blog to help you make a…
If you are reading this blog then you are probably at a point in your life where the hassle of glasses is getting to you and you are thinking of a more permanent solution for your vision problem 一 LASIK surgery. As with all surgeries, you and everyone considering LASIK surgery are bound to have a flood of questions…
Pituitary tumours, being the fourth most frequent, are usually slow-growing and non-cancerous—until they aren’t. A pituitary tumour might go unnoticed for more than ten years before causing symptoms. They are often reported to be benign. They can, however, develop and expand into adjacent structures, causing neurological problems including vision impairment. Before we get into how pituitary tumours cause eye problems,…