Amblyopia Disease

Amblyopia, also referred to as lazy eye, is the reduced vision in one eye caused by faulty visual development early in infancy (generally develops from birth up to age 7 years). It is often seen that the weaker (or lazy) eye is prone to wandering inward or outward. In addition to this, some other symptoms include:

  • Eyes that appear to not work together
  • Poor depth perception
  • Head tilting
  • Squinting or shutting an eye

It is important that you consult an eye specialist as soon as you observe these symptoms in your child. The best way to treat and manage amblyopia is through early detection and treatment. By getting an early diagnosis you can help your child avoid long-term visual problems.

Can Amblyopia Be Treated?

Yes, it can. However, treatment for lazy eye should begin as early as possible in childhood when the complex connections between the eye and the brain are still developing. Although half of the children between the ages of 7 and 17 respond to treatment, the best results occur when treatment begins before age 7.

Treatment options are determined based on the cause of lazy eye and the severity of your child’s vision impairment. To correct the eye with poor vision, your doctor may recommend glasses, contact lenses, or patching therapy among other things.

At Prasad Netralaya, our team of doctors can help you and your child fight this condition with a thorough treatment plan! Fill out the form below if you suspect your child has amblyopia or if you need a consult.

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