What Is Myopia: Causes, Treatment and Symptoms

What Is Myopia: Causes, Treatment and Symptoms

Nearsightedness or myopia is on the rise globally. Currently, around 23% of the world’s population is suffering from it, as reported by the International Myopia Institute. These numbers are rising even faster, particularly among school-going children. According to eye specialists, this trend will continue in the upcoming decades. Uncorrected myopia is the main cause of poor distance vision; it’s also…

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What You Need To Know About Diabetic Retinopathy Diet

What You Need To Know About Diabetic Retinopathy Diet

Diabetic retinopathy is one of the most prevalent causes of vision loss among adults. According to the American Diabetes Association, people in the age group of 20–74 are more vulnerable to this condition. A recent study showed around 77 million individuals in India have diabetes, which is caused mostly by unhealthy food consumption, which soon leads to diabetic retinopathy. Along…

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Who Needs Microincision Cataract Surgery?

Who Needs Microincision Cataract Surgery?

Technological advancements have made cataract surgery relatively seamless. After years of research with edge-cutting equipment, the incision size used for this procedure has been drastically reduced with microincision cataract surgery. Currently, it’s one of the most effective and secure surgical procedures for cataract removal. The incision size in a small-incision cataract surgery is about 6 mm. The incision size in…

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