Keratoconus (ker-uh-toe-KOH-nus) is not an easy name to remember. You’ve most likely come here to learn more about this condition either because you or someone you know has been diagnosed with it. Your mind might be flooding with questions like: can Keratoconus be cured? Will keratoconus lead to blindness? What kind of treatment is used to correct keratoconus? etc. Well,…
If we guessed it right, you are most likely here because you noticed brown spots in your eyes or in the eyes of someone you know. And if you’re here looking for more information on what they could mean, you’re in the right place. Eye freckles, commonly known as nevus (plural: nevi) are abnormal growths that cause brown spots in…
With the third wave of covid-19 catching up, people are starting to become more aware of all the health risks that come with the coronavirus infection. Blood clots, long-term lung issues, and, another infection that shook us all to the core during the last wave 一 Black fungus, also known as Mucormycosis. Black fungus was a deadly fungal problem that…
Diabetic retinopathy is a chronic diabetic complication that affects the light-sensitive tissue of the eye’s retina. This is caused by damage to the blood vessels. Diabetic retinopathy can be tricky to deal with as it shows little to no symptoms initially, but in the later stages, the retina starts to bleed. At this point, the person diagnosed will see dark…
Certainly not Carrots were the one food item that our parents compelled us to eat as children to help maintain good eye health. But this is a misconception! Besides vitamin A from carrots, there are plenty of other vitamins from different fruits and vegetables that benefit our eyes. Another common misconception is that deteriorating vision is inevitable as you age,…
Have you ever experienced a particularly stressful week at work and noticed eye puffiness or bags under your eyes from lack of sleep? This condition is called periorbital oedema/ periorbital puffiness. Besides staying up late and finishing work, the causes of periorbital puffiness vary. In this blog, we’ll be going over the causes, symptoms and treatments for eye puffiness to…
Did you know that your vision is one of the senses most susceptible to old age? As you get older, past your 30s and into the 40s, there are a host of eye problems waiting to pounce at any given moment. 1 in 6 adults over the age of 45 is suffering from some underlying eye problem. There are multiple…
You don’t always see an eye problem coming. No pun, intended. Especially when the symptoms are unclear or general like redness of the eyes. And that makes it necessary to learn more about it. Eye redness occurs when the blood vessels in your eye become swollen or irritated. Redness, or bloodshot eyes, can point to several health problems anywhere from…
There are countless articles and blogs that discuss the effects of the coronavirus on the eyes, but what is frequently overlooked is how the virus has still managed to damage the eyes of those who have never been infected. When you were forced into isolation due to the pandemic, your screen time increased which resulted in strained eye muscles and…