DEBUNKED: 9 Myths About the LASIK Eye Surgery

DEBUNKED: 9 Myths About the LASIK Eye Surgery

There is a lot of misinformation out there. And we know how harmful misinformation regarding health can be, especially during the COVID-19 pandemic. It is the responsibility of medical professionals and experts to dispel the myths and provide accurate information. In this spirit, today, we are going to do just that about a subject that is often misunderstood: LASIK surgery.

So let us get straight to it.

Myths About The LASIK Eye Surgery

MYTH: The effects of LASIK surgery are not permanent.

FACT: One of the most asked questions is: ‘Is LASIK surgery permanent?’

The truth is that the effects of LASIK do NOT wear off. The effects of laser vision correction are lifelong. However, it does not prevent the onset of age-related eye problems. This is because LASIK works by reshaping the cornea to correct your vision which repairs your distance vision. Only after reaching the 40s does the natural lens inside our eyes start to get affected, leading to Dysfunctional Lens Syndrome.

MYTH: LASIK surgery is quite painful.

FACT: LASIK surgery is usually painless. There will be some pressure throughout the process, but it’s not long-lasting. During surgery, numbing drops are used to alleviate the pain. Any discomfort can be relieved at home with mild over-the-counter pain medication.

MYTH: LASIK recovery takes too long.

FACT: Ater the procedure is complete, you should notice an immediate improvement in your eyesight. It used to take about 72 hours for a full recovery, but with recent advances in technology, it does not take more than 24 hours to make a full recovery.

MYTH: LASIK only works for nearsightedness.

FACT: If you’re wondering whether the LASIK eye surgery can fix farsightedness, you can rest easy. Initially, LASIK was exclusively used to correct nearsightedness. But a lot has changed since then, with LASIK being able to treat a variety of refractive problems, including farsightedness (hyperopia) and astigmatism.

MYTH: LASIK surgery has lots of side effects.

FACT: “Can LASIK surgery damage my vision?” Another question we get a lot. LASIK clinical research has revealed that the risk of significant complications is extremely low, less than 1% actually. The truth is that wearing contact lenses makes you about 180 times more likely to get a major infection than after LASIK. Glare and dry eyes are the only probable effects following surgery, but they usually go away after a few months.

MYTH: The LASIK technology is too new to be trustworthy

FACT: LASIK surgery has been widely used for over 25 years and has a very high success rate. Long-term research has shown promising results, making LASIK the most prevalent refractive surgery procedure today. As technology advances, so do treatments, resulting in very minimal issues with LASIK.

MYTH: I am too old or too young for LASIK surgery

FACT: The only age restriction for LASIK is that most surgeons advise patients to wait until they are over the age of 18 since most people reach prescription stability by them.

As far as the upper age limit goes, the LASIK procedure does not have one. Many adults in their 40s, 50s, and 60s have healthy eyes and are ideal candidates for LASIK surgery. However, there is some correlation between age and LASIK candidacy. As you grow older, you are more at risk of conditions that can prevent you from getting LASIK, such as macular degeneration, glaucoma, and cataracts.

MYTH: The laser does everything, and it doesn’t matter who the doctor is

FACT: Like with any medical procedure, the surgeon’s knowledge, and skill level count for a lot. The laser systems are quite complex and need to be individualized before each treatment. A competent surgeon is vital to ensure there are no complications and the pre- and post-operative care are a success.

MYTH: LASIK surgery is too expensive

FACT: The truth is that as technology has progressed and the procedure has become more popular, the cost of the LASIK eye surgery in India has reduced dramatically. Aside from insurance coverage, there are a variety of financing options available to help make LASIK more accessible for everyone.

Well, now that you are armed with all the correct information about the LASIK eye procedure, we hope that you will do your bit to stop spreading misinformation and that you now feel comfortable undergoing this procedure as your fears have been dispelled.

Are you or anyone you know looking to get this procedure? Lucky for you, we at Prasad Netralaya are the foremost provider of the LASIK eye surgery in Mangalore, as well as the rest of Karnataka. Visit our website to schedule a consultation or call us on our toll-free number 1800-4251-919 or our mobile no. 09513576565 to book a quick appointment. 

Do not compromise with your vision. Always opt for the best.