You’ve probably heard the terms squint eye, cross-eye, and lazy eye but aren’t sure what they mean or when to use them. This is because they are often used interchangeably, but incorrectly. So the confusion between the terms is understandable. We’ll go over the causes, symptoms, and treatments of these two conditions in this blog to help you make a…
Certainly not Carrots were the one food item that our parents compelled us to eat as children to help maintain good eye health. But this is a misconception! Besides vitamin A from carrots, there are plenty of other vitamins from different fruits and vegetables that benefit our eyes. Another common misconception is that deteriorating vision is inevitable as you age,…
Did you know that your vision is one of the senses most susceptible to old age? As you get older, past your 30s and into the 40s, there are a host of eye problems waiting to pounce at any given moment. 1 in 6 adults over the age of 45 is suffering from some underlying eye problem. There are multiple…
When it’s blazing hot out there, your sunglasses are ready to protect your eyes from the furiously hot sun. However, it is not just during the summertime that you need to be vigilant about taking care of your eyes. When the temperature drops down, you do everything that helps you keep your body warm. However, do you take any necessary…
You may have been wearing your glasses for many reasons all these years一 fashion or because you can’t see well without them. Regardless, you might’ve managed to do so with ease. But then, masks happened! While wearing a mask can be uncomfortable and frustrating, wearing glasses adds the challenge of keeping the fog off your spectacles as you go about…
It’s that time of the year again. The time for sweets, and celebrations, and for loved ones to come together to celebrate this wonderful life. We call it the festival of lights. And rightly so, with all the beautifully lit lamps and firecrackers bursting about. It’s a festival of light and joy but did you know that nearly half of…
Your eye is a remarkable organ. Yet, the eyeball is a delicate structure protected by the eyelid in the front and the bony cup (socket) in the back. Behind the eyeball are the nerves, arteries, and muscles that move the eyeball, provide nutrition to the eye and help you see the world. Oculoplasty deals with all these structures that surround…
Makeup consists of beauty products that are meant to accentuate or alter people’s appearances, and make them feel more confident. Eye makeup can enhance your eyes and make them sparkle, but sometimes, it can be harmful to your eye health — especially if used incorrectly. This makes one wonder — is it bad to wear eye makeup every day? Let’s…
You might recall your elders telling you to eat certain foods that are good for your eyes. Eating well is fundamental to good health and well-being. The benefits of good nutrition for your body go way beyond weight. Good nutrition can also help to minimize potential vision issues. A healthy lifestyle and a balanced diet can greatly benefit your eye…