Can Pituitary Tumours Cause Eye Problems?

Can Pituitary Tumours Cause Eye Problems?

Pituitary tumours, being the fourth most frequent, are usually slow-growing and non-cancerous—until they aren’t. A pituitary tumour might go unnoticed for more than ten years before causing symptoms.  They are often reported to be benign. They can, however, develop and expand into adjacent structures, causing neurological problems including vision impairment.  Before we get into how pituitary tumours cause eye problems,…

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Keratoconus: An Overview of Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Keratoconus: An Overview of Causes, Symptoms and Treatments

Keratoconus (ker-uh-toe-KOH-nus) is not an easy name to remember. You’ve most likely come here to learn more about this condition either because you or someone you know has been diagnosed with it. Your mind might be flooding with questions like: can Keratoconus be cured? Will keratoconus lead to blindness? What kind of treatment is used to correct keratoconus? etc. Well,…

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