It’s common for people to worry before getting a major surgery. Thoughts like “is the surgery worth it?” “Are there no alternatives?”, “ Can I get it treated through home remedies?” often cause us to worry and stress out. When it comes to cataract surgery, the same can be true. Choosing whether or not to have surgery can be a…
Cataract is a progressive disorder that obstructs your vision slowly over time. It starts by changing the way you see colour 一 you’ll notice yellowing or darkening of colours around you. Your vision will also start to get hazy, blurry and you’ll start to have spots of lost vision. The symptoms can get worse as it progresses and this can…
The natural lens of the eye becomes cloudy and opaque with age, leading to a condition called Cataract. If not treated in time, cataract can lead to vision loss or blindness. In fact, cataracts are the leading cause of blindness in the world. Thanks to cataract eye surgery, this condition can be easily dealt with. Continue reading to know more…
It is true that cataract most commonly affects adults after the age of 40-50 years, but it is a less known fact that it can affect Cataract in children and children as well. There is no minimum age of when a person can be affected by this eye condition. A cataract is a clouding of the eye’s natural lens, which lies behind the iris…