Expert Retina Treatments at Prasad Netralaya: Restoring Vision

Expert Retina Treatments at Prasad Netralaya: Restoring Vision

Retinal health is crucial for clear vision; damage to this delicate tissue can lead to severe vision loss.  Studies show that retinal breaks happen in 8–16% of people with acute posterior vitreous detachment (PVD). If not treated, these breaks can lead to a more serious condition called retinal detachment, which can happen in 30% to 50% of cases. At Prasad…

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Comprehensive LASIK Surgery and Refractive Eye Care at Prasad Netralaya in Mangalore

Comprehensive LASIK Surgery and Refractive Eye Care at Prasad Netralaya in Mangalore

Do you find yourself constantly juggling between sunglasses and lenses, wishing for the freedom of clear vision without the hassle? LASIK surgery can make this a reality by correcting common vision problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and astigmatism. LASIK surgery is safe and widely accepted. In fact, a recent study shows that 95.4% of patients are delighted after the procedure and…

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Advanced Robotic Laser Cataract Surgery at Prasad Netralaya

Advanced Robotic Laser Cataract Surgery at Prasad Netralaya

Cataract surgeries are becoming safer, with various hospitals adopting the latest technology. This adoption has transformed robotic laser cataract surgery into an advanced procedure.  Let us now talk about their latest advancement, Robotic Laser Cataract Surgery, which adopts a more nuanced approach in conducting surgery.  What is Robotic Laser Cataract Surgery? In robotic laser cataract surgery, surgeons make a customized…

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Top 5 Things to Ask Your ReLEx Smile Surgeon

Top 5 Things to Ask Your ReLEx Smile Surgeon

ReLEx Smile surgery has become a ground-breaking treatment, allowing patients to say goodbye to glasses and contact lenses more accurately and with less disruption. Due to its effectiveness and short recovery period, this cutting-edge method, sometimes referred to as Relex Smile laser eye surgery, has attracted much interest.  Talking with your surgeon and becoming informed is essential before becoming blind.…

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Glaucoma and Diabеtеs: Managing Two Chronic Conditions Together

Glaucoma and Diabеtеs: Managing Two Chronic Conditions Together

Living with chronic conditions like glaucoma and diabеtеs can prеsеnt significant challеngеs and еspеcially when both conditions coеxist. Both disеasеs havе thе potеntial to impact vision and managing thеm concurrеntly rеquirеs carеful attеntion and proactivе mеasurеs.  In this blog, we’ll dеlvе into thе causes for glaucoma & diabetes, what is glaucoma treatment and strategies for managing glaucoma and diabеtеs togеthеr.…

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Transformative Robotic Cataract Surgery: A Gentle Approach to Clarity and Vision

Transformative Robotic Cataract Surgery: A Gentle Approach to Clarity and Vision

Thе fiеld of ophthalmology has witnеssеd rеmarkablе advancеmеnts in rеcеnt yеars, and one of thе most transformativе dеvеlopmеnts is thе intеgration of robotics into cataract surgеry.  In this blog, wе will understand what is robotic cataract surgery, shеdding light on its bеnеfits and potential to rеvolutionizе thе way wе rеstorе clarity and vision. What is Robotic Cataract Surgery? Robotic cataract…

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Squint Eye, or Strabismus: Causes and Treatment.

Squint Eye, or Strabismus: Causes and Treatment.

Strabismus or squint eye occurs when the eyes appear misaligned. The classification of the squint is based on the eye’s position into four segments: Hypertropia, Hypotropia, Esotropia, and Exotropia.  Early detection of squint eyes helps tackle severe complications and avoids permanent vision loss. Surgery as a squint eye treatment can improve the alignment of the eye, but any vision problem that goes…

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Hereditary and Genetic Eye Diseases: Genetic Factors in Vision Problems

Hereditary and Genetic Eye Diseases: Genetic Factors in Vision Problems

Hereditary and genetic eye diseases are severe concerns in vision health, impacting millions globally. According to recent statistics, over 350 eye disorders have been found, with most of them having genetic origin.  Due to a lack of awareness and comprehension, people overlook the value of their family history in determining their risk for these disorders. This blog intends to shed…

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