How Much Lasik Eye Surgery Costs in Mangalore

How Much Lasik Eye Surgery Costs in Mangalore

LASIK eye surgery is an eye-corrective procedure undertaken by people seeking freedom from their spectacles and contact lenses. LASIK is short for the medical term ‘Laser-Assisted In Situ Keratomileusis’. This is a highly popular and widely trusted eye surgery used for vision correction for individuals suffering from eyesight problems like nearsightedness, farsightedness, and even astigmatism.

The surgery involves the doctor using a laser to reshape a patient’s cornea and clear the eye’s surface. This lets more light enter the eye and thus increases their visual acuity. Millions of people across the world opt for LASIK eye surgery due to its amazing advantages and quick recovery times. In Mangalore, this surgery offers residents the opportunity to experience newfound clarity and freedom from specs. 

However, the cost of LASIK eye surgery in Mangalore is determined by a couple of different factors. In this article, we will explore determinants that can significantly affect the price of LASIK eye surgery in Mangalore so that you have all the information you need to consider this life-changing procedure.

Five Factors that Determine the Cost of LASIK Eye Surgery

Let’s look at what factors play a role in establishing the cost of LASIK eye surgery in Mangalore. 

1. Eye Hospital or Clinic

Let’s begin with the most important determinant of the cost of LASIK eye surgery: the hospital or eye clinic you choose. Different clinics have slightly differing rates for LASIK eye surgery, with established clinics charging a slight fee premium. Conversely, newer eye clinics might give greater discounts and run better promotional campaigns. Strike the right balance between experience and price regarding this eye surgery. 

2. Operating Surgeon’s Experience

Another important factor to take into consideration is the experience and reputation of the surgeon who will be performing the LASIK eye surgery. This can influence the cost greatly, with highly experienced veterans chagrin more for their services. 

3. Technology Used

LASIK has made great leaps and strides over the last decade, with technology rapidly changing and advancing to offer patients an even more pain-free and efficient experience.  The type of laser technology and the kind of equipment used during LASIK eye surgery can have a demonstrable impact on the final cost. Advanced technologies may be more expensive but also provide better results. 

4. Post-Operative Care

Most commonly overlooked when it comes to factoring costs, post-operative care can significantly impact the final cost. Some LASIK eye surgery packages offered by clinics include post-operative care and follow-up visits, while others may charge for these services individually. 

5. Individual Patient Requirements

While LASIK eye surgery is a recognized and quick procedure, it is not easy. The specific needs and complexities of a patient’s eye condition play a role in influencing the cost of the procedure. More complex and unique cases might need additional procedures or specialized treatment, which can raise the price for individuals.

Common Packages for LASIK Eye Surgery in Mangalore

Here is a look at the common packages for LASIK eye Surgery in Mangalore.

ProcedureBenefitRecovery TimePrice Per Eye
Standard LASIKBasic LASIK eye surgery30 daysRs. 16,000
FEMTO LASIK eye surgeryCreate flap using Laser technology3 daysRs. 40,000
SMILE Eye surgeryLaser technology used to extract eye tissue7 daysRs. 65,000

Say Goodbye to Eyesight Problems with the Best LASIK Doctors in Mangalore! 

If you wish to break free from the shackles of glasses, contact lenses and other eyewear, set up an appointment with our best-in-class ophthalmologists at Prasad Netralaya Eye Hospital and book a slot for your LASIK eye surgery. With the perfect balance between quality care, advanced equipment, experienced doctors, and affordable pricing, Prasad Netralaya provides the best LASIK eye surgery in Mangalore. Whether it is LASIK eye surgery for athletes or for everyday individuals, this procedure will give you relief from a lifetime of specs. Get rid of your eyesight problems once and for all!