Eye Irritation: 8 Common Causes and How To Treat It

Eye Irritation: 8 Common Causes and How To Treat It

What is Eye Irritation?

We’ve all experienced eye irritation at least once in our life and nobody likes that kind of feeling. Eye irritation can be caused due to numerous reasons and it can make your eyes feel dry, itchy, and watery and sometimes causes redness or swelling as well. It doesn’t just make you feel uncomfortable but it also hinders you from reading and using your devices with ease. 

Are you someone who has been experiencing eye irritation for quite some time and needs a guide that helps you understand the causes and remedies to get rid of it? Then here’s a complete guide that will help you solve this problem.

The 8 Common Causes of Eye Irritation are:

1. Allergies:

People who suffer from certain allergies that comprise symptoms such as sneezing and nasal discharge, often experience eye irritation. Your eyes tend to turn red, and watery and they may also get itchy. 

Some people also deal with eye allergies that get triggered due to specific substances called allergens. The common types of allergens include pollen, dust particles, mold, and pet dander.

2. Contact lenses: (H3)

Another common cause of eye irritation arises due to contact lenses. Irritation may occur due to allergy to the contact solution, or lenses, dry eyes, and wearing unclean lenses. Majority of the contact lens wearers don’t wear their lenses as per the instructions and as a result, they end up catching eye infections.

When you wear contact lenses that are not properly cleaned, the dust particles in the lens tend to cause discomfort and lead to an infection. If you wear contact lenses overnight, it may lead to eye sores, also referred to as, corneal ulcers. 

3. Conjunctivitis (Pink Eye):

Conjunctivitis is a contagious infection that affects the conjunctiva (the clear tissues covering the white part of your eyes and the inside portion of your eyelids). This is usually caused due to bacterial infection and it can spread easily by sharing clothes and sheets with an infected person. 

Your eyes may turn pink or red. Other symptoms include eye-watering, itching, burning, discharge, and constant feeling of irritation.

4. Dry Eye:

This is another one of the common causes of red and irritated eyes, or blurry vision, and the feeling of something being stuck in your eye. When your eyes get too dry, tear production increases to keep your eyes moist. 

Some people naturally have dry eyes, whereas, for some, it may be caused due to medication side effects, watching digital gadgets for too long, exposure to dust, or due to certain diseases.

5. Environmental factors:

Some environmental irritants like tobacco smoke, dust, chlorinated water, or dry weather can be a cause for irritating eyes. It may even cause a feeling of graininess in your eyes.

6. Styes:

Many people might overlook these small, painful pus-filled pimples that form around or on the eyelids called “styes”. Styes are often painful and may even cause eye swelling.

7. Foreign particles:

We often have an irritating sensation of something being stuck in our eyes, and that can be true, in most cases. A tiny eyelash or dust particle can be the reason for your eye pain, redness, or watery appearance. 

8. Prolonged eye strain:

Staring constantly at gadgets like smartphones, tablets, and other devices, for a long period, can cause eye irritation. Besides eye pain, it may be responsible for your back pain, headache, and neck pain. 

8 Medical Conditions That Cause Eye Irritation:

You may also be suffering from eye irritation due to certain underlying medical conditions such as: 

  1. Blepharitis: Eyelid inflammation
  1. Ocular rosacea: A chronic skin condition that contributes to eye redness, dryness, and itchiness, specifically affecting the eyelids
  2. Rheumatoid arthritis: A chronic inflammatory condition causing the white part of the eye to inflame. 
  3. Sjögren’s syndrome: An autoimmune disease that causes decreased tear production and leads to  dryness, itchiness, and redness in the eyes
  4. Trichiasis: Odd and abnormal eyelash growth causing eye irritation while blinking. 

How to get rid of irritation in the eyes:

1. Home remedies:

You can make use of several home remedies to reduce eye irritation that also helps you feel at ease. 

Here’s what you can do:

  • Apply a warm compress (warm cloth) to your irritated eye
  • Apply a cold compress (Cold cloth) to soothe eye pain
  • Thoroughly rinse your eyes with water
  • Use a humidifier to help ease the dryness you’re experiencing in your eyes
  • Place cool tea bags on your eyes to feel relaxed and experience coolness. You can use teabags like green tea, black tea, oolong tea, etc

2. What are some of the medical treatments for eye irritation?

Consider opting for medical treatments if your eye irritation gets worse or goes on for more than one or two days. 

A healthcare specialist may recommend the following:

  • Prescription eye drops for irritated eyes
  • Eyelid scrubs to treat dry eye or blepharitis
  • Antibiotics to cure bacterial eye infection

Also Read : Eye Tearing: Causes and Where To Find the Best Treatment

When to contact your nearest medical expert:

It’s highly recommended to contact a doctor if your eye irritation doesn’t seem to stop even after a day or two. 

If you happen to experience irritation accompanied by green or yellow discharge in your eyes, sensitivity to light, intense pain, or sudden vision loss, then you must consider visiting a doctor immediately.

At Prasad Netralaya Eye Hospital, we cater to all kinds of eye problems, ranging from minor eye irritations to major eye concerns. If you’re looking to have your eyes checked by experienced professionals in the field of eye care, then look no further than Prasad Netrayala

Schedule your appointment today and explore the best services provided by our experienced eye specialists!

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs):

  1. What is the first aid for the eye? (H3)

Your eye should be first washed with clean water or a saline solution. Try blinking several times to get rid of any tiny particles that might be stuck inside your eye.  

Always remember, your eyes should not be touched with anything, or rubbed with your hands because it can harm the eye.

  1. Can I clean my eyes with lemon? (H3)

Applying lemon juice in your eyes is NOT recommended because lemon juice is highly acidic and its pH level is two. Chemical eye injuries occur with a substance that has a pH under 4. So, it’s advisable to prevent yourself from using lemon juice to clean your eyes.

  1. What is the 20 20 20 rule? (H3)

The 20 20 20 rule is effective in preventing eye strain while staring at screens. 

Here’s how it works: 

For every 20 minutes that a person looks at a screen, they should look at something 20 feet away for about 20 seconds. Following this rule helps you take frequent breaks that further prevent eye strain.

  1. Is ice good for eye irritation and pain? (H3)

Ice and cold packs can help reduce pain, swelling, and irritation. If you’re suffering from eye pain due to an eye injury, you can use an ice towel to soothe the injured area.