Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgeries – Benefits, Costs, and Other Must-know Facts

Bladeless Laser Cataract Surgeries – Benefits, Costs, and Other Must-know Facts

Cataracts are a frequent eye problem primarily seen as connected with ageing and could dramatically worsen the vision condition and lower the overall quality of life. Thankfully the advancements in medical technology have revolutionized cataract surgeries, which became more secure and precise procedures. Onе such innovation is bladеlеss lasеr cataract surgеry, a rеmarkablе tеchniquе that has garnеrеd attеntion for its…

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Why It’s Advisable Not to Delay Cataract Surgery-key reasons

Why It’s Advisable Not to Delay Cataract Surgery-key reasons

Cataracts are a highly prevalent age-related problem that can profoundly impact one’s eyesight. Typically ailing older adults, this eye condition is one of the biggest causes of blindness in India. According to statistics, over 80% of blind people in India suffer from cataracts, with the number growing by 3.8 million people annually.  Thankfully, due to technological advancements in the field…

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What Is the Difference Between LASIK and Cataract Surgery?

What Is the Difference Between LASIK and Cataract Surgery?

LASIK surgery and cataract surgery are two of the most common and popular eye surgeries. However, due to the frequent usage and the lack of clarity, they are sometimes incorrectly used. In this blog, we will talk about the difference between LASIK and cataract surgery, what conditions LASIK treats, how many types of cataract surgeries there are and more to…

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