Every area of medicine has its subspecialties, and the same goes for the field of ophthalmology. While eye doctors choose to practice general ophthalmology, they may also specialise in a particular part of the eye and conditions affecting it. One such specialised eye doctor is a retina specialist. What is the Retina of the Eye? The retina is a thin…
The cornea is the clear outer layer of the eye that accounts for about two-thirds of the eye’s total optical power. It acts as a window of your eye that is responsible for focusing most of the light that enters the eye. The cornea covers the pupil – the opening at the centre of the eye, the iris – the…
The world has over 3.5 billion smartphone users right now and on average, people spend 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphone. The need to protect eyes from the damage caused by cellphone use is more necessary now than ever before. Staring at your smartphone for prolonged hours can lead to various issues such as tired, itchy, and dry…
When adults have an eye problem, they immediately seek medical help. But when children have an eye problem, they are often unable to fully express what is bothering them. Yet, their tender eyes need patient and meticulous care from qualified eye doctors who specialize in children’s eye care. The past few years have seen remarkable advances in clinical eye care…
Meibomian Gland Dysfunction (MGD) is one of the most common yet least identified eye conditions. Meibomian is a gland in your eyelids, named after a German Doctor, Heinrich Meibom, who discovered it. Normally, the tears of the eye are made of three different layers, an oily layer, watery layer and a mucus layer. The oily layer is formed of glands…
For your eyes to stay healthy and feel comfortable, they need to have an adequate amount of tears. Contrary to popular belief, tears aren’t formed only when you cry. Tears are a permanent part of your eyes. They are always present in your eyes, nourishing and lubricating them. But when your eyes aren’t able to produce enough tears, it leads…
Particularly common in children, squint eye or strabismus is a condition where the eyes look in different directions, focusing on different objects at the same time. While there are superstitions saying that this condition is lucky, people with squint eyes actually do have a problem — the eyes are misaligned in such a way that when the person looks straight…
Eye problems in children can negatively impact their performance in school and their ability to learn. Various eye problems can affect children, and so, early treatment can save your child from a lifelong struggle with eye issues. Prevention is always better than cure. Continue reading to know more about common eye problems in children and how to prevent them. What…
Your retina acts as the messenger that connects what your eyes focus on with what your brain perceives. It is the most essential part of the eye that makes it possible for you to see things and make sense of what you’re seeing. But when you suffer from an unhealthy retina, it becomes unable to send clear signals to your…