When someone does not do his job well, he is often called a ‘lazy person’. Similarly, when the vision in one eye reduces for some children or even adults, it means the eye can’t perform its function well. And this eye is known as the ‘lazy eye’. What Is a Lazy Eye? A ‘lazy eye’ is when the vision in…
Over a quarter of the world’s population — which amounts to around 2.2 billion people — suffers from vision impairment. So it should come as no surprise that researchers and scientists have been developing innovative ways to restore eyesight. Ocular prosthesis or prosthetic eyes are one such innovation. What Is Ocular Prosthesis? Ocular prosthesis is the process of giving someone…
The retina is a thin layer of tissue lining the back of the eye. Its function is to receive light that the lens of the eye has focused on, convert it into neural signals, and send them to the brain for visual recognition. The several layers of the retina have interconnected neurons for the same. When the retina pulls away…
Farsightedness is a vision condition that affects both children and adults and is commonly known as hyperopia. If you’re wondering — what is hyperopia — it is when distant and near objects appear blurry to you. The degree of your farsightedness affects your focusing ability — so your eyes may focus on faraway objects better than those nearby. Symptoms of…
If you’ve ever heard about and wondered what myopia means or what is myopia — it is nearsightedness, otherwise known as or short-sightedness. It is a common problem with the eyes, when you can see nearby objects clearly, but far away objects appear blurry. This is when you are nearsighted or myopic. Symptoms of Myopia If you have nearsightedness, you…
Every area of medicine has its subspecialties, and the same goes for the field of ophthalmology. While eye doctors choose to practice general ophthalmology, they may also specialise in a particular part of the eye and conditions affecting it. One such specialised eye doctor is a retina specialist. What is the Retina of the Eye? The retina is a thin…
The cornea is the clear outer layer of the eye that accounts for about two-thirds of the eye’s total optical power. It acts as a window of your eye that is responsible for focusing most of the light that enters the eye. The cornea covers the pupil – the opening at the centre of the eye, the iris – the…
The world has over 3.5 billion smartphone users right now and on average, people spend 3 hours and 15 minutes on their smartphone. The need to protect eyes from the damage caused by cellphone use is more necessary now than ever before. Staring at your smartphone for prolonged hours can lead to various issues such as tired, itchy, and dry…
When adults have an eye problem, they immediately seek medical help. But when children have an eye problem, they are often unable to fully express what is bothering them. Yet, their tender eyes need patient and meticulous care from qualified eye doctors who specialize in children’s eye care. The past few years have seen remarkable advances in clinical eye care…