CataractRefractive SystemRetinaCorneaGlaucomaOther EquipmentCataractROBOTIC CATARACT LASER SYSTEM Zeiss Quatera 700 Cataract System ZEISS VISALIS 100 Phaco Cataract Systems ZEISS CALLISTO eye computer assisted cataract surgery System IOLMaster® 700 from ZEISS with SWEPT Source Biometry ZEISS IOLMaster 500 gold standard optical biometry Haag Streit Lenstar LS900 Optical Biometry Zeiss Opmi Lumera300 Microscope VISULAS® YAG III Photodisruption Laser from ZEISS Sonomed Pachemetry and A Scan Topcon CT80 Computerised Tonemeter Topcon specular-optical reflection microscope ZEISS VISUREF 100 AUTO REFRACTOR KERATOMETER Refractive SystemZeiss Pentacam Comprehensive Eye Scanner Visante OCT- Zeiss Optical Coharence Tomography VIsumax Femtosecond Laser system for SMILE Treatment Zeiss MEL 80 Eximer Laser System Zeiss WASCA Analyzer (aberrometer), the Atlas II Topographer(1) RetinaOCT imaging & angiography system CIRRUS 6000 from ZEISS Zeiss Visulas Green Laser System OCT–Stratus and Cirrus, Carl Zeiss, Germany Visucam Lite, Fundus Camera Visu 532 Laser, Carl Zeiss, Germany B Scan, Sonomed Sonomed Master-Vu B-Scan Electroretinography (ERG) & visual evoked potential (VEP) test Alcon Constellation Retina System Constellation ® Vision System From Alcon U.S.A Zeiss Visucam 500 Fundus Camera Visalis 500 CorneaC3R Corneal Collagen Crosslinking Corneal Pachymeter SP 3000, Specular Microscope, Topcon, Japan Visante Anterior Segment OCT, ZEISS, GERMANY GlaucomaHumphrey Field Analyzer, Carl Zeiss, Germany Accurus Vitrectomy System Alcon, USA Other EquipmentLaser DCR Amblyopia Therapy System Statim Flash Autoclave Toshbro Eye Light- Dry Eye Therapy System TOSHBRO MECHECK LENOVO TAB 8XF ZEISS VISUPLAN 500 NCT